Duviter collaborates with multiple companies from Canada in a wide array of industries
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Our client was a retailer who looked to find alternatives to buy from distributors by working directly with suppliers at the source to significantly raise his margins
- Sourcing
- Supply Chain management
- Chinese office management
- Quality Control
- Supplier relationship
- Manage P.O.’s

Urban Mobility
Our client was a manufacturer of urban mobility systems looking to reduce their per-unit prices as new international competitors we're attacking their target market with aggressive pricesOur client was a retailer who looked to find alternatives to buy from distributors by working directly with suppliers at the source to significantly raise his margins
- New Supplier Research
- Supplier Audit
- Act as a buyer in China
- Supervice Production
- Quality Control in the factory
- Manage logistic

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Household Furnitures
Our client was a manufacturer of urban mobility systems looking to reduce their per-unit prices as new international competitors we're attacking their target market with aggressive pricesOur client was a retailer who looked to find alternatives to buy from distributors by working directly with suppliers at the source to significantly raise his margins
- Manage Chinese Office
- Manage local employees
- Manage payroll and social charges
- Supervice Production
- Supervise Quality Control
- Manage logistic